Small habits can have a surprisingly powerful impact on your life. Imagine a plane taking off from Los Angeles on route to New York.
If during takeoff, the pilot decided to adjust course 3.5 degrees to the south, the planes nose would move just a few feet. Outside
of the cockpit, no one on board would notice the small movement. But over the course of a journey across the country, the impact of
the change would be considerable. And the confused passengers would alight from their plane in Washington, DC, not New York. We don't
notice tiny changes because their immediate impact is negligible. If you are out of shape today and go for a 20-minute jog, you'll
still be out of shape tomorrow. Conversely, if you eat a family-size pizza for dinner, it won't make you overweight overnight. But
if we repeat small behaviors, day after day, our choices compound into major results. Eat pizza every day, and it's likely you will
have gained considerable weight after a year. Go jogging for 20 minutes every day, and you'll eventually be leaner and fitter, even
though you won't have noticed the change happening. If you want to make a positive change in your life, you should recognize that change
requires patience as well as confidence that your habits are keeping you on the right trajectory, even if you aren't seeing immediate
results. So if you find that your behaviors and habits don't seem to be paying off, try to focus on your current trajectory rather
than your current results. If you have little money in the bank, but you are saving something each month, then you can be confident
that your trajectory is right. Your current results might not be great, but keep going in this direction, and in a few months, or a
few years, you will notice a major improvement. By contrast a millionaire who outspends his earnings each month may not be worried
about his bank statements from one month to the next, but in the end, his trajectory will catch up with him. The key to making big
changes in your life, doesn't have to involve major upheaval. You don't need to revolutionize your behavior or reinvent yourself. Rather
you can make tiny changes to your behavior, which when repeated time and time again, will become habits that may lead to big results.