This course was designed to provide advice you can apply immediately, no matter which video you jump to in the training. However, to get the best result, I strongly encourage you to complete this training as a whole, in one, maybe two, sittings. Here are a few recommendations to make that work. Number one is schedule the time to complete it. To view all the videos, as well as complete activities that I'll give you, it'll probably take you several hours. My second piece of advice is to complete the course while in your workspace. Your workspace is the laboratory for you to learn the science of time management. This training is very hands-on, so when you schedule that block of time to complete the course, schedule it so you can be where you do your paperwork, where you answer your emails, your workspace. Also, when I ask you to do something in this training, do it right then. Pause the video, do what I've asked you to do, put it into action. Rather than rushing through all the videos, put your emphasis on taking action. By implementing immediately, you'll condition yourself. It's a bit like how athletes or professional musicians use repetition to create muscle memory. I want you to create productivity memory. This will help you develop mental and physical conditioning so you automatically behave in the most productive manner with things like email, paperwork, incoming phone calls, and the ideas that pop into your head. If you take action immediately, that will go a long way toward building your mental muscle memory. Finally, set your goal to be a lasting change. Many of my clients who have completed this program have experienced a near permanent boost in productivity that lasts for many, many years. How can you accomplish that? By putting greater emphasis on timeless principles, rather than rapidly changing tools. The tendency for many people is to believe that the new software, the next computer, or a smartphone upgrade will suddenly improve their productivity by virtue of advanced technology. The truth? Technology itself will not make you more productive. What will make you more productive is using the technology in a way that's based on timeless principles, principles that never change, regardless of advancements in technology. For example, one of the things that you'll learn in this course is that you need to carry your calendar, your contacts, and your tasks with you, wherever you go. The brand of phone and its operating system don't matter as much as the commitment you make to live that timeless principle. The next time you think that buying a new tool will make you more productive, remember, its value is dependent on how well you live according to the principles of effective time management. This course will outline those simplified principles, and, more importantly, help you practice them, so that they become second nature to you. It's in the habits you'll develop where you'll experience lasting change. In summary, schedule the time to complete the course, preferably, in one complete block. Complete this course in your workspace. Take action immediately to apply the principles I'll share, and focus on a lasting change by putting emphasis on timeless principles ahead of rapidly changing tools. Do these things, and you'll get the maximum benefit from this course.