The foundation of a career in Business text
Every day, meetings, projects, emails, spreadsheets, you're just trying to keep up. This is what it's like to be part of today's business world, and so throughout the day basic business concepts whip all around you. Some you know, some you think you know, and some you wish you could ask about. Business basics, this isn't difficult, but still, you might feel a little embarrassed to ask what certain things mean. Not to worry. I spent my career making business fun, easy, and accessible for people in college and in businesses. Hi, my name is Eddie Davila, I'm a university professor, and I've been working in the business world for over 20 years. In this course, we'll cover the foundations of business in a fast and easy to understand manner. Once you understand the basics of business, the words, the people, the goals, that's when you'll better understand your job, and the jobs of those around you. You'll see value in your team members, as well as the people on other teams in the organization. Stop smiling and nodding when you're not exactly sure what's happening at work. Strengthen your business foundation and you'll build the confidence to ask important questions, contribute valuable solutions, and become a leader in your organization.